August, 2023


6h 55m


Already racked up over a 1000 deaths, most of which are the result me using a thumbstick as opposed to the D-Pad. I know these games are better played that way, but I just can't go against my natural reflex to move my thumb towards the stick. So far, the games pretty good, each chapter introduces a new mechanic or iterates on a previous one, so the game stays fresh. However, some chapters are also accompanied by a sort of gauntlet or chase sequence and these tend to drag. I think this because the screens are way longer so dying will force you repeat the same movements over and over (skill issue, I know). I felt this most during the goth Madeline "boss" where hitting them the first few times is simple, and then the last hit requires a bit more technicality and then I die and have to repeat the same section prior.

Overall, I am enjoying myself, can't deny the clear degree of love and passion poured into it. The Pico-8 being a great example of putting effort into something so pointless. I like how it even foreshadows the double dash ability you unlock later. My biggest worry is in regards to 100% completion since the levels are fairly long and block off backtracking at certain points, so I'll really need to heavily scrutinise every spot when redoing chapters.
